About company

Erwin Group of Companies distributes medical and laboratory equipment, consumables and chemical reagents. As of the moment, we occupy high positions in equipping operating systems, supply radiotherapy and laboratory equipment, consumables for medicine and laboratory. We improve the quality of life in diabetes.
The professionalism of our employees has been repeatedly confirmed in working with clients, where the company's specialists present and examine various products. At the same time showing a high level of service and customer support.
The accumulated experience and partnerships allow us to introduce new effective methods of distribution and management of departments every day.
Erwin's group
- At the moment, the company cooperates with 23 ministries of health in the regions of Russia and more than 600 medical institutions.
- In the field of laboratory equipment and chemical reagents, we cooperate with leading scientific institutions and pharmaceutical industries.
Promotion of diabetic products
The Erwin group of companies has been successful in promoting diabetic products. In addition to the innovative approach to the market of these products, the fact that the company constantly received consumer feedback to improve its results has a significant effect.
Radiological equipment
A team of specialists including qualified product managers, service engineers, etc. constantly replenishes the company's portfolio with new successful projects.
Our company has built and established various supply chains for reagents from all over the world from leading manufacturers. Our specialists constantly visit international exhibitions and the world's leading laboratories for experience and acquaintance.
Mission and principles
Erwin's group ideals are based on access to the necessary medical and laboratory equipment for everyone. We strive to change people's lives for the better thanks to the products sold. An important principle is to promote and strengthen the competencies of our partners.
The company's ethics assume several basic principles:
- To help where we show the best results and know how to do it best;
- To develop and become an image for other market participants every day;
- To make fair profits from all areas, to continue development and achieve goals;
- Take into account the opinion of every employee of the company, ensure safety and comfortable conditions for all Erwin's specialists to help the company achieve success.
Cooperation with government agencies
The market for cooperation with government agencies is full of all sorts of prejudices. However, we successfully supply equipment and reagents for government support.
The company has developed its own mechanisms of communication with government agencies, which allow not only to cooperate effectively, but also to increase the volume of this market every year.
Automation of management
Erwin Group is constantly testing and implementing modern automated department management systems, economic planning models, and logistics models. Thanks to this, it was possible errors in the operational process to be minimized, which in general increased the efficiency and success of our activities.
Erwin's work is supported by a clear structure of the organization of the internal workflow. For each stage of work, a separate department is responsible:
- Marketing department. Erwin is in charge of promoting brands, draws up a strategy and a plan for organizing awareness events, the purpose of which is to provide customers with detailed information about the product. The department is working on mechanisms for approbation of equipment.
- Regular department. Responsible for interaction with government agencies and establishing communication in order to supply the company's goods. Conducts clinical trials and official registration of medical devices.
- Logistics department. It organizes the delivery of goods in Russia, optimizes and brings logistics processes to a new level. He is engaged in customs clearance, is also responsible for compliance with the conditions during the transportation of medical goods - the temperature regime of storage.
- Service department. Allows only trained engineers to work, is looking for trusted partners. Keeps records and planning of spare parts bank and equipment warranty repair.
- Product department. Develops a portfolio of products, constantly monitors new equipment, trends in therapy and laboratory processes around the world.
Thanks to the well-coordinated work of five departments, Erwin occupies a leading position among companies supplying laboratory equipment and medical equipment.